SLO Kerchiefs
Completely versatile and totally green, hand towels have been used for hundreds of years. While trash fills our landfills by the truck load, there are many things we can be doing to lessen the toll that we are taking on the planet. From furniture made from recycled steel to using and reusing hand towels HEYfarmer’s mission is to create innovative products while keeping our future in mind by not wasting our natural resources and conserving what we already have.
While hand towels are by no means a new concept, in fact they have been around for hundreds of years; way back before a disposable napkin was even thought of, we want to bring the trend back. On average one person alone uses 2,400 – 3,000 paper towels outside the home each year!* Imagine how many paper towels would be in a life time. Keep a SLO-Kerchief in your purse, pocket or on your head, you cannot go wrong.